By leveraging the powerful capabilities of the Vena platform and working with consultants with years of FP&A software experience, you can achieve greater agility, visibility, and control over your financial, workforce, sales, marketing and operational planning and forecasting.

Vena’s  Complete Planning platform empowers you to plan, forecast and report using the platform your team is most comfortable with, Excel. Its Plan To Grow function is designed to provide you with the flexibility of Excel while incorporating the structure of a controlled application environment, all within one integrated platform. With Vena's unique Excel interface and OLAP cube technology, you can seamlessly integrate and secure your data in the cloud-based solution, providing a comprehensive planning experience.

Financial Planning & Forecasting

Workforce Planning

Vendor Expense Forecasting

Sales & Operations Planning

Recurring Revenue Models

Financial Planning & Forecasting Workforce Planning Vendor Expense Forecasting Sales & Operations Planning Recurring Revenue Models

We’re here
to help.

Schedule an intro with our team to discuss the best options for your company.